-Media Reflection-

     As of April 9th, 2019, my daily average screen time was about 6 hours and 43 minutes. I am now at an average of 6 hours and 9 minutes a day. Although this is only a 34 minute difference, I can say that I have tried to limit the use of my phone. I do almost everything on my computer and phone. Whether it is homework, talking with someone, or watching television.
     Media has caused me to loose sleep, because I get too distracted and I end up watching 2 hours of Youtube instead of doing an assignment. I think that media is toxic. Before I had a phone, when I finished my homework I would go directly to sleep. Now, I unwind by checking through my phone. I have no set time for myself to sleep, so whenever I do, it is always pretty late.
     I think that media is mostly for those who have self control about how much time they spend on social media before it is time to stop. Media really challenges self control because it is there for you until you decide that you do not want to participate in that anymore.
     After learning about all the advertising techniques, I was able to notice what messages that companies were sending. It gave me an idea about how brands want you to feel included. Before, I did not think too much about advertising, but now when I see a billboard or an advertisement, I can tell who they are trying to sell to and what they are trying to tell the consumers.
     I think that my media consumption has changed this semester. I tend to not reach for my phone as often as I did at the beginning of the year. I stopped texting as much because I realized that I was not doing anything. Now I prefer to talk in person because it is easier and you can get a response instantly.
     Media is addictive. I think that starting kids with a phone at a young age is not smart. If I were my parents, I would not have given me a phone until my freshman year of high school. When we are not spending time on our phones because we are on a vacation, the second we jump back into the world of media, there is suddenly a lot of catching up to do. Media makes you think that you are always missing out on something if you are not always on top of the latest news. In this way, media is able to draw the attention of many of its users. It is a vicious cycle because people feel the need to fit in and be relatable. Going on media and talking about what you saw with another person who also saw the same post is how kids start conversations with each other.
     I think that being an educated consumer is important because you do not want to be supporting a company that is spreading a bad message. You are able to notice the tricks that companies are using to get you.
    I still believe that media is resourceful for keeping up with the current events happening around the world. It is accessible and easy. Although I like talking in person, I think that texting or video calling is a good way to keep in touch with someone who lives across the country from you.


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