-How To Loose +2 Million Followers In A Day-

     I was scrolling through my youtube page this morning, and I found this live stream of a subscriber counter for James Charles and Tati. Some drama happened between the two, as many are aware. Tati was one of James' first friends that he made 3 years ago, when he moved to LA and started his career as a makeup artists.
     James Charles is said to be a sexual predator, who would go after straight men and try to change their sexuality for his pleasure. He would also prey on younger teens. I think that this is disgusting to do, especially when you use your fame as something to hold over the other person's head. It is good that someone caught James lacking, or spoke up about it. People like James are manipulators and do not deserve fame no matter how talented they are, because they use their fame as an excuse the justify their behavior. To me, this is the perfect example of someone who lets fame get to their head.
     I think that is is scary to think that your whole job could be ended, once people get sick of you. Everyone turned their backs on James. His previous know "sister quad", composed of Emma, Ethan, and Grayson have all unfollowed him on all social media platforms. Some other people he has collaborated with such as Kylie Jenner and Jeffree Star have unfollowed him as well. I guess being friends with James now is not such a good thing for their images.
     This whole situation is messed up. There are children who watch James and imitate his behavior. He is supposed to be a good influence on these kids, but instead he uses his platform to brag about how he is a famous celebrity. 
     I think that this situation has brought awareness to many people because it tells us to be even more careful before you trust someone. It also tells people to be careful about the people that they support.
     Since all this happened, James has made an apology video where he stutters words. He subtly hints at the fact that he is still relevant by saying "I know that there are a lot of people watching me, a lot of people who look up to me...as a role model."Let's face it...your subscribers are dropping by the thousands each minute. He is still in denial and was just trying to relive the situation and defending his case.
Here are some funny comments that were left on the LIVE video:


  1. I have heard of the Tati and James Charles scandal and while I don't know exactly what happened between them I do know that James is a predator and he has made countless men uncomfortable. It's so bad that people have made compilations of him making straight men uncomfortable and it's awful. So many people did look up to him and it's so disappointing and upsetting to see how he used his fame to make what he did "funny" or "ok" but imagine being in that situation and how uncomfortable you would be. That's why as of now he has dropped to 13 million subscribers and it goes down by the second.

  2. This scandal is really disgusting especially that a lot of his following are younger kids around 10 or so, so as they are learning about this they might decide to follow his role. Although I do doubt many people will try to actually mimic what James Charles did by being a sexual predator it makes you really uncomfortable knowing someone who could be such a big influence to such a young audience could possibly be doing disturbing things in his 'private' life.


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