-The Use Of Language in Politics-

     When writing about political topics, everyone seems to have a bias, even if it is unintentional. Although their news outlet is deemed to be neutral, their opinion still makes its way into their articles. This is evident in Trump's view of immigration policies.
     While examining the articles, I found that the conservative news outlets use very strong words that paint a stereotypical picture of what Trump would like us to think about the immigrants. The New York Post uses words like "sneak","lack", to describe how immigrants cross the boarder, while The New York Times uses words with a more positive connotation:"influx"and "released".
     The NY Post's article agrees with Trump's beliefs and seemed to be a little opinionated. The article begins with "President Trump scored a win on Friday...". Because they used the word "scored", it can lead the reader to believe that they are excited about not letting migrants into the United States.
     On the other hand, The NY Times was fairly neutral in comparison to NY Post. The NY Times article was mostly quotes and screen grabs of Trump's tweets. NY Times says "...address the influx of migrants crossing the boarder with Mexico." instead of using a harsh term like "issue" that we can see being used in the NY Post's article. By using neutral terms, that are able to convey a true message to their audience instead of making their audience believe in something that is swaying the truth. This shows how important words are, since they can change the entire mood of the message that they are trying to convey to their audience.
     I chose news outlets that had different beliefs because I thought it would be interesting to see how one interpretation of the story can cause someone to believe in something that is not entirely true and factual.
New York Times Article
New York Post Article


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